Donate Online
You can donate online to Crail Museum by scanning this QR code on your Smartphone.
We have THREE ways you can donate to Crail Museum online:
If you pay UK tax and would like to add Gift Aid to your donation so that Crail Museum receive 25% more money at no cost to you then please become a Friend of Crail Museum and donate using our Art Tickets Friends of Crail Museum donation page.
Or, if you just want to make a quick donation without having to type in all your details - it's especially quick if you use Apple Pay or Google Pay - then you can use our Square Up Donation Page.
We use "Square Up" to handle your credit card donations if you donate in person at the Museum.
If you prefer "Sum Up" as an online payment site (perhaps you have an account with them) - then you can also use our Sum Up Donation Page.
If you don't like to use your card online then more details of ways to donate to Crail Museum are on our Friends of Crail Museum page.